Artwork Guide
When you place an order with us you’ll receive a free basic design service. Our free design service covers basic tasks such as getting your design ready for print or adding text to a small number of different designs at our own discretion. We will create one design per single order, if you’d like us to create multiple designs please place multiple orders.
If you have multiple designs please send across all designs with bleed and cropped examples of how the final print should look.
We’re not a design company but we’re happy to help out with basic tasks to ensure that you receive the best results possible. If you’re unsure then please get in touch before placing your order.
Size & Quality
Please send us the highest quality you have in any format. We also ask that that none of the images you send are copyrighted. If you have any questions about copyright please feel free to send the image in question to us via email at before placing your order so that we can help.
Bleed Area
Bleed is the area around the design which is tucked under the back of the printed item. Extending your background image allows us more freedom when we make your product resulting in a more accurate final print. If you’re sending images or a pre designed image please try and send the image with a bleed.
CYMK is the colour format in which we print our items, not RGB. As a result the image colour may be slightly different to that of an RGB image shown on your screen. Please note that we are unable to print metallic colours but we are able to print a gradient on the design which will give a ‘shine’ effect. Also we are unable to print bright neon colours on our regular badges but we do sell specific neon and metallic badges on our site.We don’t offer a pantone matching service and can’t guarantee a 100% colour match.
We make sure that we print as close as we can to your approved design. Computer monitor colors and printed colors may often be quite different — which is a challenge when you are trying to match a certain color. Colors can also appear different from monitor to monitor.This is due to a variety of factors:-
Image colors on a monitor are influenced by a variety of factors:
• the color range, called the color gamut, of the input device (such as the scanner or camera)
• the manufacturer and age of the monitor
• the monitor’s brightness and contrast settings
When you print an image, you introduce other factors that influence color:
• the quality and absorption properties of the paper
• the color gamut of the printer
• the conversion of RGB values from the monitor to the CMYK values of the printer’s ink